
CCG Store : Warlord Saga of the Storm

Warlord CCG Warlord Saga of the Storm Dragon Card List
Illustration: Steve Argyle.
The Dragons are legendary creatures presents in many differents cultures and countries since a long time in the past history of the man. I don't wanna give a curse that will be perhaps very interesting, just to say that the Warlord CCG Bestiary contains some of those fabulous and mythical creatures that is just classify down here Edition by Edition.
The Assassin's Strike expansion were the first expansion to see one of those (Blackwind). Dragons are trait of a character in the game.
Note that : This list doesn't contains the Medusan Dragons promos. You can find some of them in the Medusan promos cards at this
Dragons Promos including 4th Edition Promos :
Dragons issued from : 4th Edition (PI) / Crimson Coast / Shattered Empires / Sands of Oblivion./ City of Gold.
Dragons issued from Vintages Editions(AEG) :
Cards in ''Relation'' with Dragons Vintages Editions and 4th Edition(s) :
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